Five snapshot reports published ahead of UNI Europa Conference in Belfast

Food for thought on sectoral bargaining, procurement, criminalisation of labour offences, industrial policy and organising.

For the 6th UNI Europa Regional Conference, taking place in Belfast from 25-27 March 2025, UNI Europa today publishes five snapshot reports. They should serve to stimulate debate on multi-employer bargaining, public procurement, criminalisation of labour offences, industrial policy and organising.

  1. Multi-Employer Bargaining: The Why and How of Sectoral Bargaining

The report The Why and How of Sectoral Bargaining makes the case for multi-employer and sectoral bargaining. If a country wants to reach 80 per cent collective bargaining coverage rate, it needs to have some form of multi-employer bargaining. The strategies for implementing it can focus both on policy changes and on bottom-up trade union coordination. Read the report in English, German, French or Swedish.

  1. Public Procurement: No Public Contract without Collective Agreement

Under the banner No Public Contract Without Collective Agreement, UNI Europa has campaigned successfully for a revision of the public procurement rules in the European Union. With public authorities in Europe spending approximately €2 trillion annually on procurement, this report argues that public contracts must only be awarded to companies that respect collective agreements. Read the report in English, German, French or Swedish.

  1. Criminalisation of Labour Offences: A Mapping

Crime needs punishment. When employers steal wages from workers, bust unions or violate collective agreements, there should be serious consequences – for instance, through the criminalisation of labour offences. This reports maps existing legislation in European countries and similar initiatives on the EU level. One outcome: at least eight countries have criminalised certain labour offences. Read the report in English, German or French.

  1. Industrial Policy: Why We Need an Industrial Strategy for Services

The EU is transforming its industrial policy, but the services sectors risk to stay in the dark. The report A Smartphone Without Apps: Why We Need an Industrial Strategy for Services makes the case for integrating the services sector into Europe’s industrial policy. That would mean higher investment in high-quality jobs, the promotion of collective bargaining through public procurement, and robust social protections to prevent a race to the bottom in wages and working conditions. Read the report in English, German, French or Swedish.

  1. Organising for Collective Bargaining, and Winning!

In recent years, UNI Europa has established itself as the leading European trade union federation for organising and union renewal. This has been achieved through a strong track record of direct intervention, working with affiliates to help them refine their strategies and work plans. The report Organising for Collective Bargaining, and Winning! summarises the approach and achievements over the past few years. Read the report in English, German or French.